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Ways to make Money through Video Games LoyicaBlog

Gaming has been the most loved activity amongst kids and even adults. It is considered as a great activity when you need some fun and entertainment. It sounds so


Loyica Team
Feb 21 2019
Ways to make Money through Video Games

Gaming has been the most loved activity amongst kids and even adults. It is considered as a great activity when you need some fun and entertainment. It sounds so cool when you hear that you can get paid for what you love the most.

Well, let’s just say that you love playing video games. What if we tell you that you can actually make money for playing video games that you like? Isn’t it appealing to you as you can make a living from just playing video games? Well, nobody would miss this chance. But like any other job though, it requires a lot of hard work and years of dedication. Many people who adopt this route end up giving up as they start to forget the fun and entertainment video games brought to them. They start hating what they once loved.

You can only earn a living from playing video games if you are willing to commit to this task knowing that in the end it might not provide you any outcome and you are a young dedicated person. The following are several ways you can start earning money by playing video games.

Get paid to live stream

Do live streaming of your gameplay in order to let the world see. All you have to do is enhance the number of audience you have. One of the biggest platforms for this is Twitch and YouTube. This can take a long time as building a good number of live stream audience is not an easy task. It’s very unpredictable as it all depends on the viewers. You’ll be needing thousands of regular viewers to start earning money from playing video games.

Moreover, you should also make sure that you do something unique and different. Maybe becoming a world-class player or doing something tricky to keep the audience interested is a key to success. It just needs some persistence and eventually, you will get there.

Try writing about games

To earn money through video games, you could start writing news, review an articles on specific games, genre or industry. You can either launch your own site or join an existing site for this task. It is a very challenging task as game journalism is pretty competitive.

However, if you are not creating your own website you can work for other sites to establish a portfolio that compliments your skills and that will create a good platform for you to attract wide audience towards your gaming journalism.

Create guides and tutorials

New gamers love reading guides and you can take an advantage of this fact by creating a website for written guides, video tutorials for YouTube or guides published as e-books. E-books generate revenues through their sales whereas other options generate your revenue through advertisements.

To make guides you need to create it on popular games and the more popular game you dive deep into will lead you towards a more competitive level. To make your tutorials and guides stand out, you will have to throw more light on the work you are offering your potential audience with and creating guides that are unique yet different in contrast to other gamers.

Final words

The above-mentioned ways are extremely important if you want to earn money through video gaming. It requires tons of efforts, dedication, hard work as well as time. So if you are a young and dedicated individual, you can end up with this option and make a good living out of it.

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